Welcome to my business blog. Let me introduce myself My name is Johnny Ray Cuen. I’ve owned my own business for almost a decade and I’m just now writing everything down in this blog. its been a great experience owning a small business. It hasn’t always been fun and in fact sometimes has been incredibly tough, but after making through 2020 i have a renewed fondness for the small business lifestyle. In the blog series I plan on expanding with more details on my experience, personal stories and goals for the future. Most people don’t know much about me personally and I live a mostly private life, but Instagram has shown me a lot of great people that I call friends. And I hope to meet even more like minded people. So thank you for your time and let me know what you think.
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Johnny Ray Cuen Jewelry
Stainless Silver Bronze & Copper
Bracelets, Rings, Tungsten Holders and more
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